Category Archives: Release

Paparazzi V4.0 Release

Penguin_logoThe Paparazzi Development Team is pleased to announce the release of the Paparazzi v4.0 stable version.

After several months of testing and debugging, the release preparation branch v3.9 has been released as v4.0. See the changelog for an overview of new features and bugfixes.

If you are already using paparazzi with Git, you can switch to this new branch with

git remote update && git checkout v4.0.

For new user, it will be the default branch when getting the source code from Github. You can also download a tarball or Zip file of the v4.0_stable source code.


Stable Paparazzi Releases

Git-Logo-2ColorIn order to improve the development workflow and provide stable releases we have changed our git branching model.

The branch “master” is now our development branch.

  • The “dev” branch was renamed to the release preparation branch “v3.9”. Switch to this branch if you want stable code.
  • “master” was reset to the previous “locm3” branch, where development will happen now with libopencm3 for the STM32 architecture.

Please see the RepositoryStructure page for more details.

As soon as we are ready to release v4.0 there will be tarballs available if you don’t want to use Git.


Paparazzi Mac OSX release

After a very busy holiday period the Paparazzi developer team are pleased to announce the initial release the Mac OSX port of Paparazzi.

Although this release is a couple of weeks later than expected, the team is satisfied that this port will be easy to install and run. This first release still retains the look and feel of its Linux sibling as currently it uses X Windows for rendering. This is due to change, as the graphics library used by Paparazzi (GTK+) is improving its support for the native quartz engine found in Mac OSX. This improved version of GTK+ is due for release at the beginning of March. The team is tracking this and expect a more native look and feel version of Paparazzi to follow this release.

The porting team has taken particular care to implement the packages as Macport ports thus giving a user the opportunity to install source versions or binary versions. Ensuring that every feature of paparazzi is available as it becomes available.

Again I am pleased to see the depth of talent in the Paparazzi team. Bernard Davison a relative newcomer to Paparazzi development made a huge contribution to the packaging of this port. Enough of the waffle though! The download install page for Paparazzi on OSX can be found at

Cheers, your Paparazzi development team.
