Multi MAV Autonomous Flight

Rich Burton of Hooperfly made a video showcasing the flexibility and accuracy of the PaparazziUAV system running on the
1BitSquared Lisa/MX autopilot.

Using Paparazzi’s flight plan software to dictate a pattern of waypoints for three of his TeensyFly MAV’s to take off autonomously, hover, fly a rectangular pattern, hover and land. All the flight plan blocks are triggered in unison with a custom papget xml config file. The unison nature of their flight is quite beautiful to behold.

And a behind the scenes clip of a flying robot getting a little help from a friend.  🙂


IMAV 2015 Competition

This year‘s International Micro Air Vehicles Conference and Flight Competition (IMAV 2015) is organized by the Institute of Flight Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 1.57.42 AM
System Dynamics of the RWTH Aachen University and the
German Institute of Navigation. It takes place in Aachen, Germany from September 15 – 18, 2015. If you are in the area, you should check out the event.

IMAV is a yearly event that combines a diversified scientific conference with a technological competition involving Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs). Such a combination allows research groups from all over the world to share their knowledge, and stimulates them to focus on research that can be used in real life scenarios. Every year the competition scenarios become more advanced and more extensive. However, competitors are given the opportunity to either do complete missions, or to focus on sub-elements of the mission scenario.

The 2015 competition will consist of both an outdoor and an indoor part. The focus is put on the following tasks: surveillance, recognition, logisitics, precise maneuvering in combination with endurance.


Paparazzi V5.6 release

Penguin_logoThe Paparazzi Development Team is pleased to announce the release of a brand new version of Paparazzi; v5.6, providing you with lots of new features and improvements!

If you’re curious to know the specifics on what has been added and improved you can, go here for an overview.

If you are already using paparazzi with Git, to enjoy all improvements you can switch to this new version via:

git remote update && git checkout v5.6

If you are new to Paparazzi and want to join in flying with it, you can you can simply download a tarball or get the source code via:

git clone -b v5.6
