Piotr Esden-Tempski of 1Bit Squared is working together with Darren Kitchen of HAK5 on a series about Open Source Drones, explaining what Drones/UAV/UAS are, how to build, operate, program, and calibrate them. This series highlights Paparazzi’s hardware and software systems and their strengths.
Here is the first episode in the series titled, Drones 101- Hak5 episode 1611. In this episode Piotr and Darren build an Open-Source autonomous aerial system.
Drones 101- Hak5 episode 1612. In episode 2, Piotr and Darren discuss drone basics. How they are put together, what are their components, how they operate and what makes them special.
Drones 101- Hak5 episode 1615. In episode 3, Piotr and Darren discuss how flight controllers work. Microcontrollers, sensors, input and actuators are explained. You will also see Paparazzi’s Lisa/S and Lisa/M among other autopilots discussed.
Drones 101- Hak5 episode 1616. In episode 4, Piotr and Darren discuss the initial configuration and set up of the Lisa/M Open-Source Paparazzi autopilot. They also look at the Paparazzi control center software and ground station. Demonstrating how to compile, upload and test your first autopilot firmware.
Drones 101- Hak5 episode 1617. In episode 5, Piotr and Darren assemble the Bumblebee quadcopter frame. With live construction and step by step commentary. And finally test fitting of the Paparazzi Lisa/M autopilot.
Drones 101- Hak5 episode 1618. In episode 6, Piotr and Darren show how to wire a Paparazzi UAV autopilot into a quadcopter, using the Lisa/M and Bumblebee airframe.
Drones 101- Hak5 episode 1619. In episode 7, Piotr and Darren go through a Paparazzi UAS airframe bring-up process. Including the calibration of the IMU sensors, telemetry and ground segment architecture and much more. If you want to learn more about the Paparazzi UAV framework this episode has a lot to offer.